Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Classroom spending tax break

A recent article on features a story about a tax credit proposal for teachers in the state of Michigan. The idea is simply that teachers should be given up to a $2,000 dollar tax credit for items that they have voluntary decided to purchase for their classroom. State rep. Jeff Irwin says that this is the least we can do for our teachers who are being forced to work with less supplies, and materials for their classrooms. I do agree that this sounds like a great idea to help teachers that use their hard earned money to buy supplies for the kids in their class. The real issue is that we need to stop taking money away from public education. I have a $100 dollar classroom budget for my 2 blocks of 51 fifth grade students. That equals out to $1.96 per kid for the whole school year!

How much money are you spending in your classroom? What types of things are you buying for your class that students need?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Michigan House passes school union dues proposal

Michigan House passes school union dues proposal that could impact MEA members.  If you have not heard about this recent proposed bill then please read the article.  Contact your rep. and tell them to stop attacking the working middle class.  We as a group need to stay strong and stay together to fight for our rights as teachers.